SENSE-GARDEN Home offering a simplified technology to be deployed in small spaces

The SENSE-GARDEN Home edition provides a simplified technology that can be deployed in smaller spaces, such as the user’s home.

As with the original version, the concept builds upon techniques from reminiscence therapy and uses digital technologies to present familiar music, photographs, films and scents within an immersive environment, in which the person with dementia is encouraged to remember, reflect upon and share past meaningful moments from their lives.

Funding info

The SENSE-GARDEN Home Edition has been supportde by the grant aal-2020-7-270-SCP_ SGH with the implementation period from February 2021 to November 2021, under the 2020 call of the AAL Programme (Active Assisted Living Programme - Ageing Well in the Digital World), co-funded by the European Commission and National Funding Authorities of Belgium, Norway, and Romania.

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